National textile printing and dyeing community sta
Release date: [2018/1/10]   Read total [1980] times

Reporter learned from Keqiao District Bureau of Quality Supervision, "Green Printing and Dyeing Requirements General" group standards recently released. The first national standards in the field of textile printing and dyeing, from March 1 onwards, in Keqiao textile printing and dyeing enterprises to promote the implementation.

Keqiao is a national textile fabric production base, the existing textile printing and dyeing more than 100 enterprises, annual production capacity of nearly 10 billion meters. In recent years, Keqiao District Government together to promote textile and dyeing industry to speed up transformation and upgrading, and achieved positive results. "Many enterprises under the Forcing Mechanism through the introduction of advanced equipment and management concepts change and enhance the level of development." Keqiao District Bureau of Quality Supervision, said the responsible person, but the textile printing and dyeing enterprises in the country there is no production technology, energy consumption, environmental Management, internal management and other aspects of the uniform standards, which for the development of the industry standardization, to a high quality is a short board.

Starting from the beginning of last year, focusing on the goal of "high-end green and leading the world", guided by industrial upgrading, brand promotion, green development and innovation and development, and combining with the actual industry in Keqiao, the China National Institute of Standardization and Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine , And Shaoxing Shumei Knitting Co., Ltd. and other five companies, take the initiative to initiate group standards. Group standards for textile printing and dyeing enterprises energy-saving targets, environmental indicators, safety management, product quality requirements to be clear, adding a textile printing and dyeing industry workplace occupational exposure limits harmful factors, occupational exposure to noise and other indicators of the target, the sewage discharge of ammonia nitrogen and Atmospheric particulate matter and other indicators is more stringent national mandatory standards.

"The promulgation and promotion of corporate standards will be conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise." Relevant person in charge of Shaoxing Shumei Knitting Co., Ltd., one of the leading drafting units, said that as a pilot unit, nearly 50 million yuan was invested in equipment such as dyeing tanks, sewage and waste gas last year Technical transformation, this year will continue to increase investment in accordance with the standards, the implementation of intelligent management of big data transformation.

"On the basis of 15 pilot enterprises last year, this year we will conduct benchmarking activities in textile printing and dyeing enterprises in the region to guide enterprises towards high-end and quality-oriented development and promote the transformation and upgrading of regional industries, boosting Keqiao District's lead in the country Build innovation, agglomeration, green, high-end printing and dyeing industry transformation and upgrading demonstration area for the province to promote the transformation of traditional industries to enhance the exploration path, to provide reference and establish a model. "Keqiao District Bureau of Quality Supervision, said the relevant person in charge.

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