Spring is full of joy to share | The first quarter staff birthday party successfully concluded!
Release date: [2024/4/1]   Read total [124] times

Spring is full of joy to share | The first quarter staff birthday party successfully concluded!

Spring is full of flowers. On this beautiful day, Zhejiang Jincai New Materials Co., Ltd. ushered in the first quarter of 2024 employee birthday party. Welcome the New Year and go to the future together. The birthday stars gather together to share the joy of birth and share the good times. I wish you good luck and all the best in the New Year!

Part 1 Good Times

At the birthday party, the company carefully prepared a birthday cake for the employees of this quarter's birthday, the birthday stars stood together, lit the birthday candle, sang the birthday anthem, tasted the delicious cake, and made their wishes in their hearts together.

The scene of laughter, happiness, gratitude meet, wish each other better and better!

Blow out birthday candles


Share a birthday cake

Part 2 Fun Games

The company carefully designed a series of fun games, the birthday stars show the spirit of teamwork, in the laughter and laughter to further deepen the understanding and friendship between each other, cheers, applause and laughter intertwined, together to draw a warm and harmonious picture.

1. Blow up balloons

2. Play guessing games

3. Walk fast

4. Musical stool contest

The collective birthday party in the atmosphere of love and laughter successfully ended, let us remember this happy and full of warmth, in the future of the good struggle years, we gather together, along the way, create brilliant.

Freeze a beautiful moment


The birthday stars have said that every birthday party organized by the company is full of deep feeling for everyone and the care and love for every employee. In the coming days, we will continue to explore and innovate in our own positions with full enthusiasm and high morale, and jointly contribute our wisdom and strength to the development and growth of the company!

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